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Billions - Season 4 Episode 03: Chickentown
We return again through Season 4, which offers a wide range of diverse drama, as Chuck struggles to regain power through more planning and patience. On the other hand, Taylor is trying to do whatever it takes to keep the new company and Ax may still be planning to beat Taylor and his new company, offering a fortune to hit him.
29 July 1946, Brooklyn, New York, USA
16 March 1957, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France
28 January 1967, USA
17 October 1947, New York City, New York, USA
April 01, 2019
Once a staunch Team Bobby supporter, I may be jumping to Team Taylor. Taylor has proven that they can keep up with the game...April 01, 2019
After watching "Chickentown" I want to set up a "Hellraiser" screening in Bobby Axelrod's home theater...April 01, 2019
This season continues to remain largely within the bounds of reality, truly an accomplishment for a scripted drama as good as exciting as this one.April 01, 2019
It's an episode that sees the dialogue firing on all cylinders, the shifting relationships starting to clarify, and the plot starting to take shape in some truly fascinating ways.April 01, 2019
Despite the episode's extra stuffing, it still does okay in the end.April 01, 2019
Enter Bobby Axelrod. I'm still not sure how I feel about these two being friends, but I can't deny that I'm a little excited about the possibility of the two of them crushing Chuck's opponent...April 01, 2019
If politics is a dirty game, then Chuck is about to soil himself with, ironically, his sudsiest next move...April 01, 2019
It's dirty fun, without the self-seriousness that drags down so many of its cable-drama peers.April 01, 2019
This one's unlikely to make anyone's list of the top ten Billions episodes when all is said and done, but you may get a chuckle someday remembering "the one with the chickens."