Veep - Season 4
The fourth season begins again with a series of events, where Selena's team is trying to find a new solution and someone they regard as a scapegoat; and Catherine wants to support the anti-bullying campaign with more effort. President Meyer travels to Iran, where a US reporter has been held there for a long time.

4 December 1936, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

4 January 1928, New York, USA

5 November 1937, Los Angeles, California, USA

29 January 1983, Towson, Maryland, USA

15 August 1990, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

2 February 1957, Burlington, Vermont, USA

16 March 1962, Hollywood, California, USA

April 10, 2015
Nothing is funnier than President Mayer, with her circus clown car crammed with aides. ... Veep's humor seems more politically astute this season, although there are still plenty of broad laughs.
July 16, 2015
With such brilliant writing, direction and performances, who could vote against Veep?
April 07, 2015
It remains one of the smartest deadpan comedies on TV.
April 11, 2015
This sitcom finds endless ways to deflate the big egos in politics, to whittle away at the pride of any character with the audacity to dream big.
April 13, 2015
These characters don't inhabit a great system that happens to be full of terrible people. They inhabit a system that provides perverse incentives that perpetuate dysfunction. It's a braver way to cut into political culture.
April 19, 2016
This politically-incorrect HBO comedy finds plenty of new laughs as the show's main character is elevated to the highest office in the land.
April 26, 2017
So much of the comedy in previous series has come from her constantly thwarted ambitions. Now she's got where she wanted - can they keep up the funny? It was clear from episode one that they can.
April 11, 2015
(Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is crafting one of the best comedy performances in the history of TV here. On the current best comedy on TV.
April 20, 2015
There's simply nothing sharper or funnier on television - something that's particularly true this year, as Julia Louis-Dreyfus's grinning Selina Meyer has somehow stumbled her way into the Oval Office.
April 08, 2015
Even in its fourth season, "Veep" continues to push boundaries and excel in topical content big and small.