Treme - Season 3
Season 3 opens with Antoine Batiste flirting with martyrdom. Janette Desautel encounters her old nemesis, Enrico Brulard, and a new suitor. Delmond and Albert Lambreaux debut their Indian-jazz album; Toni Bernette meets L.P. Everett, a new ally in her investigation of post-Katrina killings...
1 July 1974, Detroit, Michigan, USA
22 November 1956, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
20 March 1974, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
14 October 1962, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
September 23, 2012
It's a promising start to a series that's already established a habit of delivering on its promises.September 23, 2012
In its third season, Treme has become so adept at blending character-based drama with its overarching themes that it forces those who've tried to fit the series into some other, perhaps Wire-shaped, box to accept it on its own terms.September 23, 2012
Though the new season isn't any kind of radical transformation, it does feel like the best one yet.September 23, 2012
It was an episode that made me wonder if, rather than a novel or a movie, a TV show could be a poem.September 23, 2012
This season of Treme didn't even start that slowly, though it was, as usual, jam-packed with exposition.September 27, 2013
Treme's season finale provide us with some very real forms of resolution, if not complete closure, while also energizing us for the final season of the show, which will be coming next year.September 23, 2012
It's the too-bad-not-to-be-true stories Simon's telling about what the people of New Orleans were dealing with long after the waters receded that's kept my blood on simmer for the eight episodes I've seen so far.