The Wayans Bros. - Season 1
The series follows a set of bizarre adventures of the Shawn brothers and Marlon Williams, and they are all on the way to always achieving their ambitions. The duo clash together with comedic experiences every day, especially with their wise but eccentric father, who stir controversy in their lives.
19 November 1919, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England, UK
5 August 1945, Brooklyn, New York, USA
19 September 1928, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
16 December 1961, Chicopee, Massachusetts, USA
2 November 1971, Haiti
3 April 1962, Lima, Ohio, USA
16 October 1961, New York City, New York, USA
22 February 1964, Illinois, USA
13 February 1944, London, England, UK
22 September 1952, Istanbul, Turkey
3 February 1951
May 07, 2019
Yes, there are some funny moments, but overall the show offers an unfortunately limited number of truly positive representations of women, African-Americans, and other racial/ethnic communities.May 07, 2019
Sitcom presents no real humor, only clowning, and few laughs.