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Project Blue Book - Season 2 Episode 07: Curse of the Skinwalker
According to the exciting events of the series 'Project Blue Book' that follow a great deal of satisfaction and fervor particularly after the second world war when the US Force Air needs to accomplish a decent outcomes and finds reality behind numerous baffling things, so it direction an officer from the Force Air with researcher, Michael Quinn and Dr. Allen Hynek respectively, to discover reality behind the peculiar animals and reports of UFOs and put in their grasp a hugeness clarification for this. Thus, the second season of this series follows all the more fascinating occasions to see Dr. Hynek and Quinn do their best and go to a great extent to locate the genuine truth behind the Roswell incident.
15 November 1945, Santa Monica, California, USA
26 October 1935, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
28 January 1974, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
12 September 1960, Washington Heights, New York, USA
September 2, 1962 in Wigan, Lancashire, England, UK