Justice League Unlimited - Season 2
A continuation of the Justice League animated series finds the original members of the team joined in their battle against crime and evil by dozens of other heroes from the DC comics universe.
28 September 1966, Miami, Florida, USA
31 July 1937, Sacramento, California, USA
22 January 1969, Paddington, London, England, UK
18 April 1956, Biloxi, Mississippi, USA
2 June 1979, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
16 July 1959, Glendora, California, USA
27 October 1953, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
15 November 1929, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
4 August 1968, Pusan, South Korea
9 July 1976, Chicago, Illinois, USA
25 December 1952, Georgetown, British Guiana
2 October 1962, Houston, Texas, USA
21 April 1961, Long Beach, California, USA
28 July 1964, Queens, New York City, New York, USA
25 August 1961, Salford, Manchester, England, UK
23 November 1970, Tel Aviv, Israel
22 December 1936, New York City, New York, USA
3 August 1955, West Los Angeles, California, USA
3 October 1942, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
7 August 1955, Cartersville, Georgia, USA