Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky - Season 4
Follows the adventures of Viking twins Dak and Leyla along with young dragons Winger, Summer, Cutter and Burple and their adventures around their home of Huttsgalor.
20 July 1962, Yonkers, New York, USA
5 September 1990, Los Angeles County, California, USA
30 October 1968, Rutland, England, UK
8 April 2002, New York City, New York, USA
11 August 1975, Orange County, California, USA
9 July 1999
2 October 1962, Houston, Texas, USA
9 October 1976, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
16 October 1966, Newark, New Jersey, USA
24 August 1973, Fort Ord, California, USA
6 July 1966, Sacramento, California, USA
12 February 1973, Toronto, Ontario, Canada