Catastrophe - Season 3
In the season premiere, Rob picks up where he left off last time, with an unexplained receipt for the morning after pill. He accuses her of infidelity but she explains that she took it after they last had sex.

10 August 1971, Bath, Somerset, England, UK

25 February 1970, Accrington, Lancashire, England, UK

1 January 1977, Southwark, London, England, UK

1971, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

7 March 1974, London, England, UK

1963, Falkirk, Scotland, UK

12 August 1939, Ealing, London, England, UK

1977, Cork, Ireland

21 October 1956, Burbank, California, USA

April 28, 2017
Their relationship skirts the grey area between endearing and disastrous, but until now there's been more focus on Sharon's emotional landscape, while Rob's arc has concentrated more on the circumstantial.
April 29, 2017
If there's a complaint to be made about Catastrophe, it shouldn't be that the drama is interfering with the laughs; it should be what it always and justifiably is -- that the six-episode seasons are too short.
May 02, 2017
TV's best rom-com, Catastrophe, returned for its third season a little sadder and saggier -- but no less lovable or hysterical.
April 29, 2017
Though its subject matter is considerably darker than it has been in seasons past, Catastrophe season 3 doesn't skimp on the jokes, which feel punchier in response to the weightier subject matter.
April 29, 2017
Catastrophe has given this couple so many chances to wash their hands of one another, but one of the show's underlying strengths is that they so clearly don't want to.
March 01, 2017
The good news is that Catastrophe, returning for an eagerly awaited third season, shows no sign of getting any less funny despite the mood darkening considerably.
May 09, 2017
Horgan and Delaney, who also write the show, know that the best you can hope for in marriage is a person who will lie next to you night after night, listen to your fears and make you laugh. Honestly, that really means a lot.
May 01, 2017
In its third season, Catastrophe lives up to its own name in a more urgent way than ever -- and pulls off telling a deceptively tricky story while it's at it.
March 20, 2017
The real friction, the show recognises, is any threat to this idealised comic honesty, this unfaltering badinage.
April 26, 2017
Funny, outrageous and sometimes heartbreaking, Catastrophe works because, at its very good heart, it's about two flawed people who made a commitment and are sticking to it.
March 01, 2017
It's the brilliant thing about Catastrophe that, under a pile of knickers and all the filth, it is actually very sweet. Romantic, even. That and the fact that it is hilarious; the filth is top notch, glorious filth.