Blue Bloods - Season 1
The story of this seemingly thrilling series lies in the Reagan family, which consists of many New York police. It is the family led by Frank Reagan, the New York Police Commissioner. The family consists of Danny, the son of Frank and a smart detective, who took part in the Iraq war. Danny uses strange and exciting methods to solve secret and other issues. Irene is the only female in that family and she is a lawyer. Jamie, who gave up a lucrative future in law to take a seat in the police to continue the family tradition that appears to be confined to the police. Jimmy's job will be to investigate a secret case that his father, Frank, does not know.
1 October 1947, Manila, Philippines
2 February 1962, Chicago, Illinois, USA
7 July 1968, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA
27 November 1968, Teaneck, New Jersey, USA
30 May 1983, Cairo, Egypt
8 May 1988, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA
24 February 1931, Bronx, New York City, New York, USA
19 September 1970, Brooklyn, New York, USA
1 May 1984, Florida, USA
September 24, 2010
There's perhaps the coppiest cop show of the century so far, the soppy and self-satirizing CBS melodrama "Blue Bloods."September 24, 2010
If the show does well in the ratings, though, it probably will be because it usually comes down on the side of the detective willing to administer a swirly, or worse, to get the information he needs.September 24, 2010
Despite its good cast and competent execution, this drama about a family of New York cops feels a bit perfunctory.September 24, 2010
For people who like their family dramas mixed with crime and a bit of conspiracy, it's a solid choice to end the workweek.September 24, 2010
If not for the narrative clunkiness, "Blue Bloods'' has the potential to be a juicy multigenerational family drama.September 24, 2010
It's a rote cop show, but in the last five minutes or so, it hints at something deeper. Translation: There's hope.September 24, 2010
The potential police department conspiracy pushes "Blue Bloods" into more sudsy territory than necessary, but at least this show marks another attempt by CBS to expand its offerings beyond paint-by-number crime dramas.September 24, 2010
The best new cop drama of a TV season that has more police than a presidential motorcade.September 24, 2010
The Green/Burgess team is one of TV's best and we hope they'll make this show as sharp and compelling as it should be.September 24, 2010
On the surface, CBS' "Blue Bloods" has all of the pieces in place to be a very good or possibly great TV show. Based on the pilot, though, there's a sense that the folks involved may be content with merely "good."