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Peter Graves

Peter Graves

Birthday: 18 March 1926, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Birth Name: Peter Duesler Aurness
Height: 192 cm

Peter Graves was born Peter Duesler Arness on March 18, 1926 on Minneapolis, Minnesota. While growing up in Minnesota, he excelled at sports and music (as a saxophonist), and by age 16, he was a radio ...Show More

Peter Graves
Some people just stand out on the screen. Bob certainly did. [commenting on Airplane! co-star Robert Show more Some people just stand out on the screen. Bob certainly did. [commenting on Airplane! co-star Robert Stack] Hide
Peter Graves's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (192)
Peter Graves Peter Graves'S roles
Capt. Stimpson
Capt. Stimpson

Anton Bikker
Anton Bikker

Captain Oveur
Captain Oveur

Carl Lawrence, Leonard Culver, Rev. Gerald Whitney
Carl Lawrence, Leonard Culver, Rev. Gerald Whitney

Ben Harper
Ben Harper

Mr. Pibb
Mr. Pibb
