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The Reckoning
After his collegue is murdered, must track down two teenage runaways whose video footage contains the identity of the killer.
1983, Western Australia, Australia
August 25, 2014
What I like most about John V. Soto's engaging police procedural cum thriller is that we get more than we bargained for.September 09, 2014
It is out of time, decades too late to be of any interest, and so desperate to cover up its country of origin that its edges are sanded down into something that is ultimately of zero consequence.August 15, 2014
Stylishly and crisply shot by Jason Thomas -- who reimagines Perth as a bleak, nighttime world of blurry lights and rolling freeways -- The Reckoning unfolds slowly but with great control.September 07, 2014
This noble stab at a gritty crime drama by West Australian writer director John V Soto (Crush; Needle) is a real hit-and-miss affair that offers little more than a forgettable, pedestrian time killer.September 10, 2014
The cop-shop scenes generate little vitality and the same goes for Green's working relationship with Viva Bianca, who does a lot of standing around in search of the right expression in the thankless role of his fellow detective.September 03, 2014
It's a heightened work whose occasional implausibilities are swiftly absorbed by the hectic energy of the storytelling.