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The Accountant
A genius in mathematics and science who works for a criminal organization soon got his name on the blacklist of the treasury department.
13 September 1951, Seattle, Washington, USA
29 March 1960, Lansing, Michigan, USA
20 February 1973, New York City, New York, USA
12 July 1976, England, UK
25 June 1970, USA
8 July 1944, San Francisco, California, USA
16 July 1981, Tennessee, USA
6 October 1974, Taipei, Taiwan
January 01, 2017
All the origin-story stuff, mysterious machinations, and even action-scenes come off as calculated contrivances in the end.December 31, 2016
Chunks of the narrative seem to have disappeared; in their place are rhetorical questions meant to bridge the gaps.October 15, 2016
Affleck plays a math wiz whose position on the autism spectrum allegedly makes him a perfect assassin. That notion is offensive on so many levels, especially in the service of such low-grade crime fiction, that it's painful to watch.March 23, 2017
It leaves so many plot holes and loose ends flailing about I wonder if the hope is to turn this into a franchise? It definitely seems to set itself up for a sequel no one will want to see.December 31, 2016
At best, The Accountant may be worth checking out for its very personable ensemble. Led by the deceptively mild-mannered Ben Affleck, they elevate the film above the standard B-movie entertainment.October 17, 2016
The movie isn't some wicked subversion suggesting that the world is so corrupt that the bad guys are really the good guys. Rather it's a movie that can't figure out what might constitute a good or a bad guy in the first place.December 31, 2016
This bonkers but brilliant premise means this is one of the more preposterous action movies of the year. It's also one of the most entertaining.October 14, 2016
A movie that could easily have been familiar, disposable entertainment but is made with sufficient competence and energy to capture the viewer's attention and linger a little after the end credits have rolled.October 17, 2016
Piles up plotlines like an overbuilt house of cards that comes crashing down at the first well-earned guffaw of ridicule.October 19, 2016
The Accountant is, begrudgingly, a pretty good time, especially once its solemnity gives way to its kitschy ode to familial pain.October 16, 2016
The Accountant should be a straight-ahead thriller, but the film keeps tripping over its own incompetent feet. Maybe it was made for adults, but it sure doesn't feel like it was made by them.