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Rosetta is a young girl who lives with alcoholic mother at Seraing suburb. She is obsessed by only one desire: have a stable job and a normal life. In poverty and hopeless, Rosetta is willing to pay at any price to have a job like that, but this desire makes she giving some unexpected decisions
1973, Brussels, Belgium
29 August 1981, Beloeil, Wallonia, Belgium
22 July 1963, Namur, Wallonia, Belgium
March 04, 2002
The drama vividly conveys the stunted emotional and spiritual life of a teenager who has no time for anything except the struggle to survive.March 21, 2001
a careful, painful film, but beautiful in its executionJune 21, 2004
'An unflinching portrait of the dehumanizing effects of being forced to live hand-to-mouth with no real hope of escaping.'January 01, 2000
The directors jump into an impoverished, fast-moving life, and never attempt to put on the brakes for the sake of providing audience comfort.March 07, 2002
Fights and struggles to stay afloat literally and symbolically, just like its heroine.January 01, 2000
This is a film made for purists of the cinema.October 04, 2012
a small miracle of a film, one that accomplishes so much with seemingly so little and feels all of a piece, not a moment wasted or misusedFebruary 26, 2002
Some viewers (including a few who walked out when I saw the movie) are going to find the subject too grim and the production too stark - but that's the idea.January 05, 2004
Perhaps some of this would have been nominally interesting if Rosetta were slightly likable.September 04, 2012
The camera follows right behind Rosetta as she stampedes her way through hardship after hardship, determined to get a fair shake. This puts the viewer in the shoes of Rosetta and we experience her pain firsthand.November 12, 2012
There's something genuinely religious in Rosetta's stark portrayal of unyielding resurrection.August 21, 2012
Rosetta (is) a perpetual motion machine constantly racing away from a lens that will always catch up to her.