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The story revolves around the plight of Aaron Boone, a young man tormented by visions of monstrous, graveyard-dwelling creatures. Boone is led to believe by his doctor that he is a serial killer. Tracked down by the police, his doctor, and his girlfriend Lori, Boone eventually finds refuge in an abandoned cemetery called Midian among a 'tribe' of mutant outcasts of varying types and abilities known as the 'Nightbreed' that hide from humanity.
24 September 1940, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
2 November 1955, Liverpool, England, UK
22 December 1954, Accra, Ghana
12 May 1968, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, UK
25 April 1959, Montréal, Québec, Canada
September 22, 2013
If you loved Nightbreed, The Cabal Cut will give you more of what you loved, but it fixes none of the film's shortcomings. It may even emphasize the film's story problems.May 28, 2012
The pic remains passable only as a work that is all style and no substance.October 27, 2014
Clive Barker's "Nightbreed" suffers from a very flawed and weak premise, one that doesn't even come close to supporting the two-hour runtime.February 12, 2003
Starts out with a bang, ends with a whimper.September 26, 2013
The Cabal Cut finally captures what Barker was after, warts and all, reinstating depth, emotion, and a human presence to the story, which finds its fantasy footing once again.April 21, 2003
Disappointing make-up showcase disguised as a thriller.November 09, 2014
The Director's Cut is vastly superior to the theatrical version, expanding on the secretive realm of Midian and the monsters who reside in this underground lair.August 31, 2012
CABAL CUT: We get a little more Decker, and quite a bit more redneck rampaging, but there is also inevitably a whole lot more Boone. Longer does not equal better, esp. in horror, and all this extra stuffing does not stop a turkey being a turkey.February 19, 2014
The only really strong aspect of Nightbreed is the 'breed itself-there are some truly bizarre and imaginative monstrosities on display.October 29, 2014
For all of its blockbuster aspirations, the clumsily vulgar script and uneven performances leave [Nightbreed] mired in b-grade horror territory.December 10, 2015
Clive Barker is the Douglas Sirk of splatter.October 27, 2014
At its best, Nightbreed is like a living version of a coffee-table book, with each page filled with tentacled, quilled, or moon-faced monsters.