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Dr. Giggles
When the psychopathic son of a mass-murdering doctor escapes from a mental institution, he wreaks graphic medical vengeance on the citizens of the town where his father was finally captured.
4 November 1950, Alameda, California, USA
9 February 1948, Alameda, California, USA
26 March 1962, Jamaica, Queens, New York City, New York, USA
February 28, 1964
21 September 1955
14 May 1954
9 September 1965, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
3 December 1973, San Diego, California, USA
16 March 1938, Spokane, Washington, USA
July 14, 2003
Good potential with the crazy doctor, but it turns into just another slasher movie. The cop breaking up the party is the best scene.July 26, 2002
The slasher stuff isn't half bad, but you have to suffer through comedy material that feels like glass in your brain.July 05, 2004
Exposes the darker side of Benny from L.A. Law.July 30, 2003
Larry Drake was born to play a slasher villain!May 26, 2002
A template for how to make a bad horror film.March 09, 2010
Dopey, absurd fun...August 26, 2002
Amusingly bad horror flickOctober 23, 2003
More proof that the early nineties were horror's low-point.July 30, 2007
The numbing familiarity of everything in the film just makes the cartoonish bits look ridiculous.July 07, 2010
Dr. Giggles is about as sick and twisted as commercial Hollywood movies get.June 14, 2006
more one liners than schwarzenegger could dream off